
We are happy to inform you that we have finally made it possible to pay for your membership with wallet money

Published on: 3/2/19, 7:30 PM

Learn the best way to financial freedom in the 21 st Century

The world is rapidly changing and it’s time for the financial planning advice to catch up with the pace. In this fast-paced life, most of us aim for achieving financial freedom and live a debt-free happy life. If you are planning to have one, you must work towards managing your finances well and clearing your loans.

Published on: 9/1/18, 8:03 AM

5 Reasons Why Life Is So Hard

“Life is too important to be taken seriously.” — Oscar Wilde

If you are struggling with something right now in life, and you’re questioning your very existence, then my heart goes out to you. It truly does. I know that pain so well. When everything around you comes crashing down, all you want to do is self-destruct. But you know what. Something you don’t realize is that you were meant to walk this path. You can’t understand it right now. But I assure you, there will be a rhyme or reason for it one day.

Published on: 9/1/18, 5:37 AM

Build your Passive Income Business with Today  and Start to Generate Auto-pilot Income for Life

You see this guy in this picture? He’s making Smart passive income. He could sit in that chair all day, sipping that drink, enjoying life and his money would keep pouring in.

Published on: 8/31/18, 6:33 AM

Dear members,

We write to inform you that the long waited for feature  (Internal transfer of funds) is now integrated into our platform

Published on: 8/26/18, 1:28 PM

Dear Community members,

This is our first blog. We write to inform you that after several months of development, we have finally integerated our own blog on our platform.

The blog will be used to do the following below;

  • To notify you about latest news from Gopien Team
  • To receive feedback from you  on anything posted here. But we recommend writing sensible feedback because writing un related comments may result in closer of  your account
Published on: 8/24/18, 11:45 AM